Astrology Signs 101

Astrology Signs 101

In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30-degree sectors that make up Earth's 360-degree orbit around the Sun. The signs enumerate from the first day of spring, known as the First Point of Aries, which is the vernal equinox. The astrological signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

The Western zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology and was later influenced by the Hellenistic culture. Each sign was named after a constellation the sun annually moved through while crossing the sky. This observation is emphasized in the simplified and popular sun sign astrology. Over the centuries, Western astrology's zodiacal divisions have shifted out of alignment with the constellations they were named after by axial precession of the Earth while Hindu astrology measurements correct for this shifting. Astrology (i.e. a system of omina based on celestial appearances) was developed in Chinese and Tibetan cultures as well but these astrologies are not based upon the zodiac but deal with the whole sky.

Western astrological correspondence chart

The following table shows the approximate dates of the twelve astrological signs, along with the classical and modern rulerships of each sign. By definition, Aries starts at the First Point of Aries which is the location of the Sun at the March equinox. The precise date of the Equinox varies from year to year but is always between 19 March and 21 March. The consequence is the start date of Aries and therefore the start date of all the other signs can change slightly from year to year. The following Western astrology table enumerates the twelve divisions of celestial longitude with the Latin names. The longitude intervals are treated as closed for the first endpoint and open for the second – for instance, 30° of longitude is the first point of Taurus, not part of Aries. The signs are occasionally numbered 0 through 11 in place of symbols in astronomical works.


Sign Gloss Symbol Unicode Character Approximate Sun Sign Dates Ecliptic Longitude
(aλ < b)
House Polarity Modality Triplicity Northern Hemisphere Season Southern Hemisphere Season Modern Ruler Classic Ruler
Aries The Ram Aries symbol (fixed width).svg ♈︎ March 21 – April 19 0° to 30° 1 Positive Cardinal Fire Spring Autumn Mars
Taurus The Bull Taurus symbol (fixed width).svg ♉︎ April 20 – May 20 30° to 60° 2 Negative Fixed Earth Spring Autumn Venus
Gemini The Twins Gemini symbol (fixed width).svg ♊︎ May 21 – June 21 60° to 90° 3 Positive Mutable Air Spring Autumn Mercury
Cancer The Crab Cancer symbol (fixed width).svg ♋︎ June 22 – July 22 90° to 120° 4 Negative Cardinal Water Summer Winter Moon
Leo The Lion Leo symbol (fixed width).svg ♌︎ July 23 – August 22 120° to 150° 5 Positive Fixed Fire Summer Winter Sun
Virgo The Maiden Virgo symbol (fixed width).svg ♍︎ August 23 – September 22 150° to 180° 6 Negative Mutable Earth Summer Winter Mercury
Libra The Scales Libra symbol (fixed width).svg ♎︎ September 23 – October 22 180° to 210° 7 Positive Cardinal Air Autumn Spring Venus
Scorpio The Scorpion Scorpius symbol (fixed width).svg ♏︎ October 23 – November 22 210° to 240° 8 Negative Fixed Water Autumn Spring Pluto (or) Mars
Sagittarius The Archer (Centaur) Sagittarius symbol (fixed width).svg ♐︎ November 23 – December 21 240° to 270° 9 Positive Mutable Fire Autumn Spring Jupiter
Capricorn The Goat Capricornus symbol (fixed width).svg Capricorn symbol (European, fixed width).svg ♑︎ December 22 – January 19 270° to 300° 10 Negative Cardinal Earth Winter Summer Saturn
Aquarius The Water-bearer Aquarius symbol (fixed width).svg ♒︎ January 20 – February 18 300° to 330° 11 Positive Fixed Air Winter Summer Uranus Saturn
Pisces The Fish Pisces symbol (fixed width).svg ♓︎ February 19 – March 20 330° to 360° 12 Negative Mutable Water Winter Summer Neptune Jupiter



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