Tarot Reading - Simple Arcana Guide

Tarot Reading - Simple Arcana Guide

Tarot card reading is a form of cartomancy whereby practitioners use tarot cards purportedly to gain insight into the past, present or future. They formulate a question, then draw cards to interpret them for this end. A traditional tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which can be split into two groups, the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.

List of Major Arcana:

0    Fool  – 0, 1    Magician  –  I, 2    High Priestess  – II, 3    Empress  –  III

4    Emperor  –  IV, 5    Hierophant  –  V, 6    Lovers  –  VI, 7    Chariot  –  VII

8    Strength  –  VIII, 9    Hermit  –  IX, 10  Wheel of Fortune  –  X

11  Justice  –  XI, 12  The Hanged Man  –  XII, 13  Death  –  XIII

14  Temperance  –  XIV, 15   Devil  –  XV, 16   The Tower  –  XVI

17   The Star  –  XVII, 18   The Moon  –  XVIII, 19   The Sun  –  XIX

20   Judgement  – XX, 21   The World  –  XXI

The minor arcana cards are arranged into 4 suits - swords, pentacles, wands, and cups.
Each suit has a ruling element and correspond to a specific area of life: Swords represent air and have to do with intellect and decisions. Pentacles represent earth, money and achievement. Wands represent fire and action. Cups represent water and emotions.
Court Cards represent a person - either yourself or someone else. They reflect personality traits and characteristics, and can give insight into motives. 
Numbers Suits Proper Names ALT Names Meanings [Biddy] Keywords [modernmysticnola]
1 Sword 1 of Sword Swords Ace Raw power, victory, breakthroughs, mental clarity MENTAL STRENGTH : thinking clearly, honesty, justice breakthroughs
2 Sword 2 of Sword Swords Two Indecision, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions STALEMATE : indecision, blocking emotions, avoiding truth
3 Sword 3 of Sword Swords Three Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief, rejection GRIEF : arguments, heartache, sorrow, conflict, feeling betrayal
4 Sword 4 of Sword Swords Four Contemplation, passivity, recuperation, relaxation, rest RECUPERATION : recovery, retreat, de-stress, solitude, time out
5 Sword 5 of Sword Swords Five Conflict, tension, loss, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal HOLLOW VICTORY: sacrificing integrity, power hungry, conflict
6 Sword 6 of Sword Swords Six Regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage PASSAGE : moving forward beyond current pain, necessary transition
7 Sword 7 of Sword Swords Seven Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, stealth STEALTH : theft, loss, sneaking away, underhand, cunning, taking
8 Sword 8 of Sword Swords Eight Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment RESTRICTION : lacking direction, powerless, trapped, limiting beliefs
9 Sword 9 of Sword Swords Nine Depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair NIGHTMARES : grief, despair, distress, desolation, illness, brooding
10 Sword 10 of Sword Swords Ten Back-stabbed, defeat, crisis, betrayal, endings, loss BETRAYAL : self-sacrificing, feeling victimized, let down, stabbed in the back
Page Sword Page of Sword Swords Page Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic REVITALIZATION : learning, embrace new challenges, honesty, integrity
Knight Sword Knight of Sword Swords Knight Opinionated, hasty, action-oriented, communicative INCISIVENESS : intelligence, knowledge, acting with certainty
Queen Sword Queen of Sword Swords Queen Quick thinker, organized, perceptive, independent PERCEPTIVE : clever, realistic expectation, straight-talking
King Sword King of Sword Swords King Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth ETHICAL LEADER : diplomacy, intellect, remaining objective, unbiased, analytical
1 Wand 1 of Wand Wands Ace Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential CREATIVE STRENGTH : beginnings, inspiration, potential, courage, enthusiasm
2 Wand 2 of Wand Wands Two Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery PLANNING : personal power, strength, success, support, originality
3 Wand 3 of Wand Wands Three Preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion ENTREPRENEUR : pursuing the unknown, leadership, visionary
4 Wand 4 of Wand Wands Four Celebration, harmony, marriage, home, community HARMONY: celebration, excitement, stable home, partnership
5 Wand 5 of Wand Wands Five Disagreement, competition, strife, tension, conflict CONFLICT : battles, bickering, pettiness, discord, squabbles
6 Wand 6 of Wand Wands Six Public recognition, victory, progress, self-confidence VICTORY : success within reach, personal triumph, praise, recognition
7 Wand 7 of Wand Wands Seven Challenge, competition, perseverance DEFIANCE : taking a stand, battling, in control, taking the offensive
8 Wand 8 of Wand Wands Eight Speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change ACCELERATION : travel, overseas, movement towards fruition, action
9 Wand 9 of Wand Wands Nine Courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience DETERMINATION : stamina, courage, persisting despite setbacks
10 Wand 10 of Wand Wands Ten Burden, responsibility, hard work, stress, achievement RESPONSIBILITY : overwhelm, overwork, burdens, challenge
Page Wand Page of Wand Wands Page Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit ENTHUSIASM : opportunity, high energy, passion, creativity
Knight Wand Knight of Wand Wands Knight Energy, passion, lust, action, adventure, impulsiveness CONFIDENCE : charming, courage, passion, lust, adventure
Queen Wand Queen of Wand Wands Queen Exuberance, warmth, vibrancy, determination WHOLEHEARTED : vibrancy, charm, dedication, enthusiasm, self confidence
King Wand King of Wand Wands King Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honor LEADERSHIP : innovation, business, action, risk taker, charismatic, results
1 Cup 1 of Cup Cups Ace Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion EMOTIONAL STRENGTH : new relationship, friendship, or romance, creativity
2 Cup 2 of Cup Cups Two unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships PARTNERSHIP : respect, happiness, connection, trust, attraction
3 Cup 3 of Cup Cups Three Celebration, friendship, creativity, community COMMUNITY : camaraderie, friends, group success, neighbors
4 Cup 4 of Cup Cups Four Meditation, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation SELF-ABSORPTION : reflection, losing interest, lacking motivation, boredom
5 Cup 5 of Cup Cups Five Loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement BEREAVEMENT : loss, regret, living in past, let down, sadness, grief
6 Cup 6 of Cup Cups Six Reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence NOSTALGIA : happy memories, people from past, inner child
7 Cup 7 of Cup Cups Seven Fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, imagination DAY DREAMING : choices, decisions, wishful thinking, fantasy
8 Cup 8 of Cup Cups Eight Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal UNFULFILLED : walking away, new direction, no turning back, burning bridges
9 Cup 9 of Cup Cups Nine Wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction FULFILLMENT : satisfaction, sensual pleasure, getting what you want
10 Cup 10 of Cup Cups Ten Harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment HAPPINESS : family happiness, blessings, love, contentment, children
Page Cup Page of Cup Cups Page A messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity CREATIVE BEGINNINGS : good news, being loving, emotional, and intuitive
Knight Cup Knight of Cup Cups Knight Romance, charm, "Knight on shining armor", imagination SENSITIVE : romantic, emotional, loving, caring, introspective
Queen Cup Queen of Cup Cups Queen Emotional security, calm, intuitive, compassionate INTUITIVE : sensitive, caring, gentle, artistic, compassion, calm
King Cup King of Cup Cups King Emotional balance and control, generosity LOVING : wise, tolerant, caring, helps others grow, subtle influence
1 Coin 1 of Coin Coins Ace Manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity MATERIAL  STRENGTH : financial prosperity, practicality, real-world impact
2 Coin 2 of Coin Coins Two Balance, adaptability, time management, prioritization JUGGLING : juggling money and/or life, adapting quickly, busyness
3 Coin 3 of Coin Coins Three Teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learning TEAMWORK : learning, new skills, studying, apprentice, competence, planning
4 Coin 4 of Coin Coins Four control, stability, security, possession, conservatism WEALTH : hold onto money, budget, stability, conservatism
5 Coin 5 of Coin Coins Five isolation, insecurity, worry, financial loss, poverty POVERTY : lack, financial hardship, hopeless, financial uncertainty
6 Coin 6 of Coin Coins Six Generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth GENEROSITY : plenty, abundance, financial help, charity, giving
7 Coin 7 of Coin Coins Seven Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment PATIENCE : fruits of your labors, earned success, evaluation
8 Coin 8 of Coin Coins Eight Apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement EDUCATION : job satisfaction, making money, progress
9 Coin 9 of Coin Coins Nine Gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination LUXURY : affluence, stability, security, prosperity, self reliance
10 Coin 10 of Coin Coins Ten Wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement LEGACY : affluence, family money, inheritance, sum of money
Page Coin Page of Coin Coins Page Manifestation, financial opportunity, new job PRACTICALITY : dependability, seeking abundance, business opportunity
Knight Coin Knight of Coin Coins Knight Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical THOROUGH : practical, realistic, cautious, hard worker, disliking change
Queen Coin Queen of Coin Coins Queen Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security RESOURCEFUL : down-to-earth, organized, stability, mature, trustworthy
King Coin King of Coin Coins King Security, control, power, discipline, abundance BUSINESS LEADER : assuring presence, enterprising, assumes responsibility
Fool Fool Fool Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit NEW BEGINNINGS: innocence, journey, spontaneity, free spirit, change
Magician Magician Magician Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness REALIZING POTENTIAL : power, purpose, resourcefulness, skill determination
High Priestess High Priestess High Priestess Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind INTUITION : higher powers, wisdom, secrets, subconscious mind
Empress Empress Empress Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance FERTILITY : mother, lover, nature, protection, abundance
Emperor Emperor Emperor Authority, farther-figure, structure, solid foundation AUTHORITY : father-fatigue, leadership, structure, regulations
Hierophant Hierophant Hierophant Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs ORGANIZATIONS : belief systems, group identification & rules, seeking education
Lovers Lovers Lovers Love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices RELATIONSHIPS : love, communication, union, harmony, choices
Chariot Chariot Chariot Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination DIRECTION : victory, self-control, willpower, ambition, focus
Strength Strength Strength Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion FORTITUDE : inner strength, love, patience, compassion
Hermit Hermit Hermit Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance SOLITUDE : introspection, seeking understanding, being alone, inner guidance
Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point DESTINY : turning point, life cycles, awakening, big picture vision
Justice Justice Justice Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law JUSTICE : fairness, law, clear logic, truth, balance
The Hanged Man The Hanged Man The Hanged Man Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice SACRIFICE : letting go, evaluation, new perspective, vulnerability
Death Death Death Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition TRANSFORMATION : endings and beginnings, transition, shedding
Temperance Temperance Temperance Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning BALANCE : moderation, combining, healing, patience
Devil Devil Devil Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism BONDAGE : despair, addiction, self-restriction, lust, dark side of self
Tower Tower Tower Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation DESTRUCTION : false securities, upheaval, sudden change, wake-up call
Star Star Star Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity HOPE : guidance, generosity, relief, inspiration, harmony
Moon Moon Moon Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious ILLUSION :intuition, fear, bewilderment, others deceiving you
Sun Sun Sun Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality ILLUMINATION : clarity, fun warmth, success, vitality, clarity
Judgement Judgement Judgement Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution AWAKENING : rebirth, inner calling, new perspective
The World The World The World Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel COMPLETION : integration, perfect unity, wholeness, accomplishment
Sword 1 of Sword Reversed Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity CONFUSION : failed efforts, bad timing, wrong choice, chaos, stress
Sword 2 of Sword Reversed Indecision, confusion, information overload MIXED INFORMATION : mixed emotions, difficult decisions, wrong conclusions
Sword 3 of Sword Reversed Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness HEALING : recovery, ending seclusion, releasing sorrow, forgiveness
Sword 4 of Sword Reversed Restlessness, burn-out, lack of progress CAUTIOUS RE-ENTRY : clarity, starting again well-rested, slow movement
Sword 5 of Sword Reversed Open to change, past resentment TERMINATION : ending unhealthy relationships, making changes
Sword 6 of Sword Reversed Cannot move on, carrying baggage BLOCKED : dead end, feeling stuck, unforeseen forces at work
Sword 7 of Sword Reversed Mental challenges, breaking free REVEAL : honesty, openness, getting caught, stolen items returned
Sword 8 of Sword Reversed Open to new perspectives, release RELEASE : mental liberation, clear thinking, renewed initiative
Sword 9 of Sword Reversed Hopelessness, severe depression, torment PERSPECTIVE : facing fears, looking forward, focused on opportunities
Sword 10 of Sword Reversed Recovery, regeneration, fear of ruin, inevitable end RELIEF : fatigue, the worst has passed, lessons learned, liberation
Sword Page of Sword Reversed All talk and no action, haste, undelivered promises BRAGGART : immaturity, communication errors, being all talk
Sword Knight of Sword Reversed Scattered thought, disregard for consequences EGOTISTICAL : tactless, impulsive, criticizing, aggressively competitive
Sword Queen of Sword Reversed Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted COLD-HEARTED : cunning, bad tempered, overly emotional
Sword King of Sword Reversed Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive OVERBEARING : cruel, merciless, incompetent, illegal actions
Wand 1 of Wand Reversed Delays, lack of motivation, weighed down FALSE STARTS : lacking initiative, bad timing, setbacks, obstacles
Wand 2 of Wand Reversed Fear of unknown, lack of planning UNEXPECTED : lack of plan, loss of control, unexpected results
Wand 3 of Wand Reversed Lack of foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals DREAMER : careless approach, unprepared, untrustworthy partners
Wand 4 of Wand Reversed Breakdown in communication, transition UNGRATEFUL : communication breakdown, stagnant, excess celebration
Wand 5 of Wand Reversed Conflict avoidance, increased focus on goals UNRESOLVED : unresolved issues, pending settlement, agree to disagree
Wand 6 of Wand Reversed Egotism, disrepute, lack of confidence, fall from grace DEMOTION : betrayal, fall from favor, being taken advantage of
Wand 7 of Wand Reversed Giving up, overwhelmed, overly protective DISCOURAGED : overwhelmed, doubt, giving up, isolation, disadvantage
Wand 8 of Wand Reversed Delays, frustration, holding off MISSTEPS : snap judgements, wasted efforts, delays
Wand 9 of Wand Reversed On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia DFENSIVENESS : unprepared, isolation, resistance, paranoia
Wand 10 of Wand Reversed Taking on too much, avoiding responsibility REEVALUATION : relief, letting go, laying down burdens, irresponsibility
Wand Page of Wand Reversed Setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, lack of direction MISLEADING : negativity, pessimism, indecisiveness
Wand Knight of Wand Reversed Haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration RECKLESS : impatient, rebel, bad tempered, scattered
Wand Queen of Wand Reversed Shrinking violet, aggressive, demanding AGGRESSIVE : mean-spirited, selfish, vengeful, domineering
Wand King of Wand Reversed Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations PRIDEFUL : overbearing, ruthless, harsh, power abuser
Cup 1 of Cup Reversed Blocked or repressed emotions DRAINED : emptiness, mental or physical barrenness, emotional exhaustion
Cup 2 of Cup Reversed Break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony ARGUMENTS : petty quarrels, envy, miscommunication, jealousy, break-up
Cup 3 of Cup Reversed An affair, "three's a crowd", stifled creativity WITHDRAWN : misfortune, lethargy, untrustworthy friends, loss of group
Cup 4 of Cup Reversed Boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof OVER-INDULGENCE : being aloof, emotional shutdown, too self-absorbed
Cup 5 of Cup Reversed Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness ACCEPTANCE : release from sadness, moving on, making new plans
Cup 6 of Cup Reversed Stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic LETHARGIC : denial, living in the past, refusal to grow up
Cup 7 of Cup Reversed Temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics SELF-DELUSION : too much escapism & indulgence, procrastination
Cup 8 of Cup Reversed Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away DEPRESSION : denial, indecision, need to confront the truth
Cup 9 of Cup Reversed Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism ENTITLEMENT : smugness, greed, taking for granted, too indulgent
Cup 10 of Cup Reversed Misalignment of values, broken home or marriage SORROW : family quarrels, stressed relationships, failed plans, worry
Cup Page of Cup Reversed Emotional immaturity, creative block EMOTIONAL : oversensitive youth, repressed intuition, refusing good advice
Cup Knight of Cup Reversed Unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness TEMPERAMENTAL : indulging in daydreams, moody, overly emotional
Cup Queen of Cup Reversed Emotional insecurity, co-dependency CO-DEPENDENCY : unreliable, inefficient, moodiness, lacking confidence
Cup King of Cup Reversed Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility MANIPULATION : emotional abuse, taking advantage, moodiness
Coin 1 of Coin Reversed Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight MATERIALISM : greedy, hoarding, monetary delays, lost opportunity
Coin 2 of Coin Reversed Disorganization, financial disarray DISORDER : scattered energy, instability, financial problems
Coin 3 of Coin Reversed Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills STAGNATION : blocked creativity, lacking effort, burdened by work
Coin 4 of Coin Reversed Greed, materialism, self-protection FINANCIAL LOSS : taking financial risks, monetary difficulties, gambling
Coin 5 of Coin Reversed Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty PERSEVERANCE : change for the better, renewed hope, finding employment
Coin 6 of Coin Reversed Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity COVETING : imbalance, sinking finances, feeling cheated, greed, envy
Coin 7 of Coin Reversed Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward LIMITED SUCCESS : misfortune, loss, wasting money, impatience
Coin 8 of Coin Reversed Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus UNAMBITIOUS : unskilled, cutting corners, unreliable, unwilling to work
Coin 9 of Coin Reversed Over-investment in work, financial setbacks SETBACKS : feeling isolated, being taken advantage of, too focused on work
Coin 10 of Coin Reversed Financial failure, loneliness, loss LOSS : loss of community/family, monetary loss, absorbed in material
Coin Page of Coin Reversed Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus BAD NEWS : unfulfilled promises, missed opportunities
Coin Knight of Coin Reversed Laziness, boredom, feeling 'stuck' OBSESSIVE : stubborn, grinding, self-serving, resisting compromise
Coin Queen of Coin Reversed Imbalance in work/family commitments SELF-CENTERED : driven for money over relationships, work/home imbalance
Coin King of Coin Reversed Authoritative, domineering, controlling UNETHICAL : corruption, lacking business acumen, ruthless, greedy
Fool Reversed Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking RESISTANCE : stuck, foolishness, risk taking, recklessness
Magician Reversed Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents MANIPULATION : ineptitude, poor planning, latent talents
High Priestess Reversed Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice SUPERFICIAL : hidden agendas, not listening to inner voice
Empress Reversed Creative block, dependence on others INFERTILITY : creative block, over indulgent, insecure
Emperor Reversed Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility DOMINATION : use of force, controlling, rigidity, inflexibility
Hierophant Reversed Restriction, challenging the status quo REBELLION : restriction, unethical, challenging authority
Lovers Reversed Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values DISHARMONY : imbalance, struggle, loneliness, miscommunication
Chariot Reversed Lack of control and direction, aggression DOMINEERING : accidents, delay, lack of focus, aggression
Strength Reversed Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline WEAKNESS : self-doubt, egoism, lack of self-discipline, suppressed urges
Hermit Reversed Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal ISOLATION : loneliness, withdrawal, fearful, abandonment
Wheel of Fortune Reversed Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control INSTABILITY : bad timing, stress, rapid change, out of control
Justice Reversed Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty INJUSTICE : unfairness, bias, shame, indecision, dishonesty
The Hanged Man Reversed Martyrdom, indecision, delay MARTYRDOM : ulterior motives, unmotivated, selfish
Death Reversed Resistance to change, unable to move on STUCK : depression, unable to move on or recover
Temperance Reversed Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision IMBALANCE : extremes, conflicts, lack of long-term vision
Devil Reversed Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed BREAKING FREE : hopefulness, power reclaimed, recovery
Tower Reversed Avoidance of disaster, fear of change PRECAUTION : fear and avoidance of change or disaster
Star Reversed Lack of faith, despair, discouragement HOPELESS : despair, sabotaging, lacking creativity, troubled
Moon Reversed Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion DECEPTION : deceiving yourself, over-relying on logic, blocked intuition
Sun Reversed temporary depression, lack of success LINGERING DOUBT : unable to focus on positive, clouded perspective
Judgement Reversed Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination AVOIDANCE : stagnation, refusal of self examination, indecision
The World Reversed Lack of completion, lack of closure PENDING : obstacles, incomplete project, lack of closure
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